vi·car·i·ous trav·el·er


Union Depot

depot, originally uploaded by staarkidd.

In celebration of my independence from schoolwork, relationships, work... all the things that i throw myself into (lovingly mind you), i took a day for deb. It was a wonderful day in which i gave myself an adventure in pueblo colorado. I can't say that Pueblo is a remarkable holiday destination, but i've never been there and found it quite strange and alluring to be honest. The weather was incredible and i spent the morning window shopping, reading and drinking tea. cheers to pueblo and her naked archer!


mafia, originally uploaded by staarkidd.

Yes, the building says Mafia in spray paint. It doesn't look like anyone minds. The statues by the river were kinda cool until you got up close. I thought their expressions were really creepy.


Video star?

This is a test to see if i can show videos on my blog! Check out this link to see a video of my latest "work" picnic and mischievery.